Posted with kind permission by the Research Institute for Waldorf Education (RIWE)©.
Waldorf teachers often include questions about children’s sleep in both initial interviews and scheduled parent conferences. “What time does your child go to bed?” “How many hours does your child sleep each night?” “Is your child’s sleep uninterrupted, or do they wake up in the night?” All of these questions are familiar to Waldorf parents and teachers. This essay addresses the question, “Why are these questions asked, and why is this information important?” Recent research regarding the vital functions supported by sleep is cited. We now know that sleep restores and refreshes the entire physical body, from inside out. In addition, neurological processes that only occur during sleep strengthen our social and relational capacities; process our daily experiences into memories as well as allowing us to forget what we do not need to remember; and enhance the ability to solve problems and think creatively. In fact, without consistent sleep averaging 8 hours/night, normal people will suffer from a loss of health as well as from an inability to engage meaningfully in daily activities. As research is continually revealing to us, sleep is more important than we know. Our culture tends to treat sleep as if time spent in sleep is wasted time, a mark of a lazy and indulgent person. Nothing could be farther from the truth. As this summary will show, and as has been emphasized in Waldorf Education for the last 100 years, healthy sleep is a critical part of one’s overall health and ability to learn.
Sleep restores and refreshes the physical body.
To determine the effects of sleep on the physical body, researchers have looked at the opposite situation—what happens to the body when it is deprived of sleep? And so we know that, first of all, a lack of consistent, quality sleep results in raised blood pressure, increased heart beat, and, over time, deteriorated arterial walls. When we don’t get enough sleep, our sympathetic nervous system is activated. This is the part of the nervous system which carries the stress hormone cortisol throughout the body, reacting to perceived threats with the well-known “fight, flight, or freeze” behaviors. We do need these responses at times of shock or danger, but when the sympathetic nervous system is overactive, our bodies respond in the ways listed above. When we do not sleep enough, the normal nightly flow of substances which repair and protect the body is compromised. The growth hormone, for example, repairs damage and stimulates growth throughout the organs and tissues of the body. It regulates blood sugar and insulin. When deprived of healthy sleep, the growth hormone cannot do its work and, over time, the entire body suffers. The hormone prolactin supports the immune system and affects the ability to focus. Along with ghrelin and leptin, also hormones, prolactin influences the appetite. Research has shown a strong connection between weight gain and lack of sleep. [Walker] [], [Sleep Better Naturally, by Rhinomed] And, as if this were all not enough, the release of cytokines [certain proteins] by the immune system occurs during sleep. These cytokines help fight inflammation, trauma, and infection. []
Emotional and Social Effects of a Lack of Sleep
Almost everyone has experienced the after-effects of a night of poor sleep. We are grouchy and out-of-sorts, quick to take offense and often quick to give it. Research has now made clear the connection between sleep, emotional regulation, and the ability to form strong social relationships. One study, for example, investigated the effect of sleep deprivation on behaviors at the individual, group, and societal levels. [] Individuals deprived of sleep were shown to be less willing to help others than they had been when they received a full night’s sleep. Research participants who had lost sleep were less likely to be able to understand social cues. In addition, donations to charities was found to decrease in the weeks following the switch to daylight savings time—which deprives millions of people of one hour of sleep every year. The same study revealed that individuals who sleep poorly or not long enough are less interested in engaging socially with others and are more likely to interpret behaviors as threatening. To the surprise of the investigators, sleep-deprived individuals were also seen as socially undesirable by other people. Turning our attention to children, the sleep of young children has been found to be directly related to the development of social skills and emotional well-being. Not only does a lack of sleep lead to an increase of negative emotions such as depression and anxiety, sleep loss can also lead to a diminished enjoyment and memory of positive experiences. A study of Japanese children [Tomisaki et al.:Child Adolescent Psychiatry Mental Health 2018] points to three sleep-related practices that have a positive effect on the development of social competence: sleep onset by 10 p.m., more than 10 hrs. of sleep each night, and total sleep of more than 12 1/4 hours at age 18 months. This study also indicates that disrupted sleep patterns of babies might lead to hyperactivity, impulsivity, and aggression in older children. Importantly, a lack of sleep also leads to diminished self-regulation and self-control. Here, we might bring to mind the recognized sleep deprivation of adolescents because of early school start times, an overload of homework, and late night attention to media. Lack of self-control is a well-known developmental marker of adolescence, even without the addition of these influences.
Learning, Memory and Forgetting
Almost 75 years ago, researchers discovered that the unconsciousness of sleep is not one-dimensional. Rather, a healthy night’s sleep proceeds in a predictable cycle of two stages: REM [“rapid eye movement”] and NREM [“non rapid eyemovement”], with each two-stage cycle lasting 90 minutes. REM sleep signifies dreaming, while NREM sleep, divided into four stages, signifies that unneeded neural connections are being discarded. [Walker, Why We Sleep, pp. 44-45] Moreover, while each cycle lasts 90 minutes, the ratio of REM to NREM sleep changes during the night, with more NREM sleep occurring earlier and, as the night progresses, more REM sleep occurring. How are these two types of sleep related to learning? Think of everything that happens during the day: sensations, events, habits, thoughts, activities. Hundreds, if not thousands, of impressions strike us during any 12-hour period. As we cannot possibly remember everything, what happens to them all? First, memories are retained in the area of the brain called the hippocampus, a sort of storage facility for short-term memory. Then every night during Stage 2 NREM sleep, the hippocampus is cleared. Some memories are discarded, while some are transferred to a more permanent storage in the cortex. During Stage 3 NREM sleep, memories become stabilized and therefore accessible, for example, for the next day’s lesson review. What about motor skills, like riding a bike, driving a car, or playing the piano? As Matthew Walker reports [Why We Sleep, 2017] , speed, accuracy, and automaticity of motor skills are enhanced during Stage 2 NREM sleep, especially during the last two hours of an 8-hour sleep. [see also] This finding not only contradicts the conventional wisdom of pulling athletes out of bed for pre-dawn practice, it also points to the very real dangers of driving a car or a truck without adequate sleep.
Creativity and Problem-Solving
Clearly, our unconscious selves are very active during the NREM portions of the sleep cycles. But what about the REM portions, when we are dreaming? Very simply, while memories are discarded or saved during the NREM stages, connections between the memories are formed during the REM stage. It is the connections between memories that make possible unique and creative solutions to problems or conundrums. Many of us, for example, have experienced going to sleep with questions in our minds and waking up with inspired ways to proceed. While declarative memory refers to fact-based learning, and procedural memory refers to the learning of motor skills, the REM experiences make relational memory possible. Our dreams make the building of relationships between memories and what we have learned possible. Most NREM sleep, during which declarative memory and procedural memory are enhanced, takes place earlier in the night, while most REM sleep, during which relational memory occurs, takes place later. Considering the importance of both, it should be obvious why we all need a good 7 1/2-9 hours of sleep each night. []
Societal Ramifications of Insufficient Sleep
Researchers will be exploring the mysteries of consciousness and sleep for a long time to come; but as recent studies have shown, the effects of sleep loss on society are stunning and significant. Underscoring the seriousness of the issue, the CDC has identified insufficient sleep as a public health concern, citing research that shows that a third of the adult American population does not get enough sleep. Research in the Netherlands, Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Canada reveals similar findings, which means that insufficient sleep is in fact a global health issue. In an effort to highlight the seriousness of the problem, economists have actually placed monetary value on the individual, business, and national consequences of sleep loss. We have already indicated several ways in which insufficient sleep affects the individual. In the U.S. alone, sleep loss has been linked to 7 of the 15 most common causes of death: cardiovascular disease, cancerous tumors, cerebrovascular disease, accidents, diabetes, septicemia, and hypertension. [“The Global Problem of Insufficient Sleep and Its Serious Public Health Implications”] An Australian study [“The Economic Cost of Inadequate Sleep,” the Sleep Research Society, 2018, pp. 1-13] identified several categories in which sleep loss affects a nation’s economy: reduced employment; premature death; and absenteeism. Each category is subdivided into more specific causes, including psychological or physical illness, workplace injury, and motor vehicle accidents. Workplace accidents are often attributed to known consequences of inadequate sleep, such as difficulty concentrating and exercising good judgment. In addition to these areas of financial loss, one must include the increased use of health care, which must often be absorbed by the employer. In real dollars, it is estimated that a typical company employing 1,000 workers could save $536,000 per year by instituting sleep improvement programs. When employees do not get adequate sleep, they are 200% more likely to have accidents at work and to cause 150% more errors. This results in an additional 274,000 accidents and errors per year, at a cost of $31.1 billion. In total, the loss to U.S. employers due to insomnia is approximately $66 billion in 2017 dollars. []
Although much of the research cited in this report has focused on adults, sleep patterns, like those of many behaviors, are often established in childhood. When a Waldorf teacher asks for information regarding a child’s sleep habits, it is not an idle question. Understanding a child’s relationship to sleep can provide invaluable insights into a child’s physical and emotional health, social life, and learning styles. “Learning how to sleep” was considered by Rudolf Steiner to be one of the most important skills a teacher was to assist the children in learning. In 1910, Steiner characterized sleep as “the only thing that makes it possible for experiences to be transformed...into abilities and skills,” and noted that “the forces we used up during the day are replenished during the night as we sleep.” In addition, he perhaps summarized the current research findings when he said, “We realize that this awareness of the self would be destroyed if it were not for the intermittent periods of sleep. In order to develop an ordinary sense of [selfhood], it is necessary for our conscious memory to be interrupted by the periods of sleep.”20