Class 2 Eurythmy
Healing Sound & Movement (based in Eurythmy and additional movement modalities) with Ms. Novosedlik
At the core of our humanity is the deep and irrevocable need to harmonize our inner world and connect to our authentic soul self in order to express that unique self in the world. Understanding ourselves as threefold human beings involves approaching all of our learning and growing through the lens of the body/soul/spirit continuum that we are. This is the focus of Waldorf education in an effort to grow whole and free-thinking humans.
Whole body movement modalities and processes focused on establishing a strong connection between brain and body, soul and mind are increasingly in demand as we understand more about how the human being lives into balance, wholeness and health. To this end, our Healing Sound & Movement (HSM) course explores how sound (vibration) and movement create balance and harmony on all levels within the human being as we work with universal rhythms and cosmic music and draw these into our human experience.
In this course we will draw upon sound and movement practices found in Eurythmy, Paneurythmy, brain sensory and reflex integration, free-form movement, Yoga, Qi Gong, circle dance and other body-based (somatic) movement processes. We will be sounding with the voice through song, verse, storytelling and authentic sound as the inspiration for expressive movement. Themes and content for this program will be drawn in part from the individual class curriculum of each grade level.
As grown-ups participate in this course with the children, the many benefits of informed somatic movement and sound processes will serve to bring balance, healing, joy and beauty to family life in ways which create wholeness and togetherness both inwardly and between each member. Join us as we strengthen our inner and outer family connection and support the growth of healthy, whole human beings! This can be our gift to the healing of the world.